Getting off to the best start in your new marketing job

5 Minutes

Congratulations on securing the next step in your career! All that preparation, interview stress and decision making is now behind you so it's time to follow through on the commitment that you've made.

The first period of your new employment will likely be a probationary 3 months (sometimes longer) and this is time for both you and your employer to ensure that the right decision has been made. Normally the notice period required for both parties is short, so if it's not right then moving on is mutually agreeable with minimal hassle. However, if like the majority of people it is right, then you'll want to make sure that you get off to the best start possible. 

It's your career, so have a look at these 5 tips for getting off to the best start in your first 3 months:

1.Treat your job spec like a WIP (Work In Progress) tick list
 Read your job specification thoroughly and understand the requirements from it. It can act as a set of guidelines for the role you are in and the areas which you need to work on, excel in and build upon. It's not the be all and end all but can keep you on course if referred to and discussed with your manager in the first few months. Working on areas outside of this could mean that you are getting distracted or that your employer has other ideas for you which you'll need to address ASAP in order to get beyond the initial 3 months.

2. Don't run before you can walk
 Feedback from employers which isn't uncommon can relate to over ambitious candidates, who go into a role and try and reach the top before working on the foundation. Taking time to fully understand and appreciate the role you are in and the element of the company strategy you contribute to will pay dividends further down the line. Get involved in everything and impress at the level you are at first before setting the world on fire!

3. Don’t take off!
 Taking time off in the first 3 months isn't forbidden but it doesn't do many favours for you when this is aimed at the period of time which you are putting everything into impressing your new employer. Unless holidays have been clarified at interview stage for the initial period, it isn't advised unless it can be avoided. Why not delay the time off and use it for after the 3 months to celebrate the success of being with the company for the foreseeable future?

4. Make connections
 Generally, jobs within media and marketing have a social element to them and it's wise to get involved in the first few, especially throughout your probationary period. It's a great way to break down barriers and understand what other people in other departments do, which can help you understand the full picture. Just one tip, if there's alcohol involved, don't get drunk!

5. Enjoy it!
 Research shows that those who enjoy their jobs tend to do best in them so if you've chosen this job then try and like what you're doing, and the first 3 months will be a breeze! Well done for getting through all of the interview stages, now get stuck in and impress those who took you on!

If you want any further advice on this subject or any others regarding employment then get in touch on 0161 833 1044. We'll happily have an off the record chat with anyone about past, current or future roles so please don't hesitate to get in touch with us as the leading marketing, digital and creative recruitment agency in the region and nationwide.