Why use a Tech Recruitment Agency?

5 minutes

Why Use A Tech Recruitment Agency

Technology recruitment arises challenges for employers unlike most industries. The continuous increase in demand for candidates with a technical forte alongside the natural candidate short nature of the market ensures it is unlikely to have a constantly smooth ride whilst you shortlist, interview, offer, negotiate and onboard your next tech recruit. Not only does the people-based nature of recruitment cause an issue, the process of recruiting new tech talent can be a costly and time-consuming process.

This is where The Candidate can help. We often find our clients need support with their recruitment and retainment strategies when they are searching for technology recruits. In order to relieve pressure and secure the expert knowledge of seasoned recruiters, often employers will reach out to our specialist team of seasoned recruiters to aid their search. Having built entire development teams whilst also placing niche candidates into roles to address immediate business requirements, our team of expert Recruiters have partnered with businesses far and wide across all manners of technology focused roles.

For businesses who are yet to assign a recruitment agency into your hiring strategy, it is important you fully understand the value our expertise brings…

Specialist Knowledge Across Tech

directly with our team at The Candidate is our specialist knowledge across the full technical stack. Regardless of whether you are searching for a Full Stack Developer with expertise across a specific framework (whether that’s .Net Core, Laravel, Magento, React, Angular & more) through to an AWS DevOps Engineer or an IT Project Manager, our team are fully versed in the technical requirements to excel in a role. Not only do we understand the hands on application for a role, we are able to fully challenge our candidates surrounding their experience and practical knowledge. The end result for our clients can rest assured that all candidates who are submitted for consideration have been fully qualified for the position from a technical stance.

Recruiter Networks & Relationships

The first stage for any recruitment process. whether the role is for a  Graduate Developer through to Technical Director or CTO, is for our technology recruitment team to discuss the role with their network. Spending every day working alongside the brightest and best talent in the market, we are able to approach our passive network of candidates to find the perfect fit for your vacancy. The Candidate approach every day with the vision of building long-term relationships. This allows us to reach out to an array of talent in order to help you in your search for your next hire.

Employer Branding & Process Management

Although the market for technology talent has grown rapidly over the past 5 years, it is undeniable that this curve in individuals joining the tech community will continue to grow exponentially. The opportunities at the hands of those embroiled in the tech community will continue to grow. This growth in community proves it has never been more important to protect your employer branding. As a valued recruitment partner, The Candidate are fully understanding of the ramifications that our process management reflects on our clients and their employer brand. Should a candidate not be suitable now, that does not suggest that they may not grow to be your ideal recruit in 18 months. With this in mind, alongside the natural closeness of candidates across the technology market, our consultative approach to recruitment ensures we guide you through the best practises and manage the process to the highest standards in order to reflect how you are perceived in the market.

Understanding Of Your Long-Term Strategies, Vision & Culture

We are not here to simply fill a vacancy. Our unique and honest approach to recruitment revolves around our Recruitment Consultants having a thorough understanding of both your initial requirements and your strategic vision which has led to your decision to recruit. It’s essential that we are able to fully match your business aspiration and culture with the perfect candidate – aligning both candidate career growth and the opportunity to build your product or service. A successful recruitment campaign is not finished when our candidate is successful; we are here as consultants in the long run. By working alongside a Tech recruitment agency, you are able to discuss your strategies in line with comparing your approach to other successful business strategies. You receive much more than a successfully placed candidate; you receive our consultative knowledge, our network, our long-term employer branding, our vision to identify talent, our process management, our negotiation abilities and ultimately, our ability to continually deliver results.